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Interviewed by my nephew (!) at Google’s Chicago headquarters

February 1, 2019:  How many authors get interviewed by their nephew?  What a special day it was that David Langert invited me to a Talks@Google event and interviewed me. His introduction was humorous. He said as a kid he knew I worked for McDonald’s and probably made French Fries or Hamburgers. He never realized my job was very different than that.

With my nephew David Langert at Google Chicago, the coolest office ever!

My first book event @ Darden Business School, Charlottesville, Va

January 22, 2019:  Net impact of University of Virginia’s Darden’s Business School invited me to be part of the Net Impact week and speak to their ongoing Leadership Series.  I spoke about “The 8 Attributes of Successful Sustainability Leadership.”  I met up with Professor Ed Freeman, too, who recommended me for this talk.  Ed is in my book, Chapter 7, on Values. He helped McDonald’s developed a set of Our Values, and now we are working together to put a case study on sustainable beef.  All the folks at UVa were so gracious with their time and welcoming spirit.

Addressing the Darden community. Darden gave out 150 copies of my book! Thanks!

Spending time with Net Impact students. My number one passion is to help future emerging leaders in sustainability be effective leaders sooner and more efficiently than it took me.